work record 1
plans for shoot
For my first shoot, on either the 16th or 17th, I have chosen masahisa fukase as my inspiration. Based on my research, I am going to take photos relating to the series he created called 'The Solitude of Ravens'. In this shoot, I will travel to a petrified forest where the trees have died where they stand, creating a creepy and unusual landscape.
the photos appear very grainy which means he may have used a very high ISO. i am going to keep this in mind when i set up my camera. i am also going to bring a tripod and a zoom lens to make it easier to position the camera and make sure the birds stay in focus.
i am also going to bring my Nikon D7100 with a zoom lens. this should allow me to get a close up view of the trees and possibly some birds that perch on them.
a challenge i may face in this shoot is the fact that the birds may not be there depending on the time of day or year. if they're not, i will focus more on trees and other objects that disrupt the horizon line. the setting i have chosen should give me some interesting photo opportunities.
research influence
my influence for this shoot is masahisa fukase. the style of his work resembles old fashioned horror movies, in the way that the picture is quite contrasted and grainy. this could be through editing, the camera he used or the ISO he set his camera to.
image bank
AO1- i have selected these images as they are mostly from my chosen artist, or reflect the style that i would like to recreate. for example, the photo of a tree in quite interesting because of how the branches interweave and create patterns. by making that image black and white, this stands out even more from the sky behind it.
the other images show some other ideas that i could pursue, such as the group of ravens taking off and the group of birds fly in the shape of a raven. this could be recreated using photoshop.
best images
i chose these images because they best reflect the style of my chosen artist. i will import most of these into Photoshop and edit them. i will most likely turn them into black and white images and use the dodge and burn tool to highlight and darken certain parts of the image.
i chose these images as my best as they are in focus, and the subject of each is clear and distinct. editing these in Photoshop, i will be able to create a meaningful response to Masahisa Fukase.
photos that require improvement
i would change this photo by framing more of the tree and adjusting the settings such as the ISO and the shutter speed to reduce the exposure and to bring out the detail in the tree and the sky behind it.
Contact sheet
image bank
AO1- i have selected these images as they are mostly from my chosen artist, or reflect the style that i would like to recreate. for example, the photo of a tree in quite interesting because of how the branches interweave and create patterns. by making that image black and white, this stands out even more from the sky behind it.
the other images show some other ideas that i could pursue, such as the group of ravens taking off and the group of birds fly in the shape of a raven. this could be recreated using photoshop.
best images
i chose these images because they best reflect the style of my chosen artist. i will import most of these into Photoshop and edit them. i will most likely turn them into black and white images and use the dodge and burn tool to highlight and darken certain parts of the image.
i chose these images as my best as they are in focus, and the subject of each is clear and distinct. editing these in Photoshop, i will be able to create a meaningful response to Masahisa Fukase.
photos that require improvement
i would change this photo by framing more of the tree and adjusting the settings such as the ISO and the shutter speed to reduce the exposure and to bring out the detail in the tree and the sky behind it.
i would change this image by changing the composition. when this photo was taken i was originally trying to focus on the owl in the middle of the frame, however the lens i had brought didn't allow me to get close enough to it. if i were to re take this photo, i would either use a lens with a longer distance or i would focus more on the trees and the landscape around them.
these are some of the photos i have edited in the style of masahisa fukase.
i believe that i have produced a strong series of photos in response to masahisa fukase. my final images were edited and developed using Photoshop.
AO3- my ideas for my first shoot were to take photos of some interesting trees that had died due to the water table dropping. these trees had become petrified as they absorbed minerals instead of water from the earth. my inspiration for this shoot was masahisa fukase. specifically a series he created called 'the solitude of ravens' where he took photos of ravens either perched on a tree, flying in a group or on their own.
during my shoot, i wanted to add more detail and contrast in the trees whereas Fukase's work mainly uses the silhouette of the trees. however i also really liked the way his photos were in black and white, this is something i wanted to reflect in my photos.
for this shoot, i used a nikon D7100 and a zoom lens. i didn't use a tripod as there were fences and railings that i could rest my camera on, i was also walking from place to place which meant i couldn't carry a large amount of equipment.
i increased the ISO on my camera to 400 as this would let me use a faster shutter speed (1/1250). i wasn't too concerned with using a higher ISO number as the artist i chose has quite grainy photos. i used an aperture of F8 which gave me a big enough depth of field to include the landscape around the trees.
when editing these photos i used different adjustments to create different effects such as a black and white layer to make it reflect Fukase more. i also changes the brightness and contrast to make the detail in the tree stand out more. i then flattened the image and used the dodge and burn tool to highlight and darken different areas. i used this for all of my edits.
AO1- my artist research was useful as as it gave me inspiration for my photo shoot. living in essex also helped me as it is one of britains greenest counties which meant i had a wide range of scenes to take photos of.